PRESS RELEASE: Statewide school-based mental health initiative gets big boost

October 2021

MADISON, WI, – The WEA Member Benefits Foundation, Inc. is launching a pilot project to provide financial support for school-based mental health services for K-12 students throughout Wisconsin. Together with a sister organization, WEA Trust, the Foundation will commit $200,000 this year to demonstrate an effective funding model for school-based mental health programs.

David Kijek, President and CEO of WEA Member Benefits and the WEA Member Benefits Foundation, called the pilot project “a statewide model that can bring more philanthropic dollars to the table to help our public schools strengthen their mental health services for students. This is consistent with WEA Member Benefits’ commitment to the well-being of teachers and public education across Wisconsin.”

WEA Trust, whose group health insurance programs have had a long history serving Wisconsin public schools, sees the opportunity to reduce both employee and student health care costs. WEA Trust’s CEO, Vaughn Vance, added, “School districts throughout Wisconsin are experiencing an increased need for mental health services by employees and students alike. That is why we are so excited about this pilot effort and our partnership with WEA Member Benefits Foundation.”

Steve Goldberg, WEA Member Benefits Foundation Executive Director and former executive director of the CUNA Mutual Foundation, will oversee this pilot project. According to Goldberg, “There is an important role for private philanthropy to help address the need for school-based mental health. We are committed to building broader corporate philanthropic support for programs like this. The early funding by WEA Trust and the Foundation is an important first step.”

Interest from funders is growing. One corporate foundation has issued a $50,000 grant to the Madison Metropolitan School District to fund a student mental health program at Leopold Elementary School as a result of discussions with the Member Benefits Foundation. Several other corporate donors have contributed a total of $30,000 to the pilot. The full statewide pilot project is scheduled to launch in early 2022.